Protecting Public Spaces
Through Integrated Smarter Innovative Security

Strengthening the protection of public spaces by preventing terrorist attacks and violent crimes and mitigating their impacts.


PRotECting public spaces thRough Integrated Smarter Innovative Security

The project is delivered by a multi-disciplinary consortium of 9 partners representing 7 EU member states, with a broad EU perspective.  It receives funding from the European Union’s Internal Security Fund. This 2-year project started on 1 May 2023 and aims to promote integrated smarter innovative security through the empowerment of law enforcement authorities, first responders, local managers of public spaces and related security stakeholders, enhancing public-private cooperation. PRECRISIS will develop, test, and roll out innovative, sustainable, and effective AI-based digital solutions and practical toolkits, in full compliance with ethical standards and related legislation on the protection of personal data, by integrating existing expertise, best practices and privacy-by-design approaches to make public spaces more secure.

9 Organizations from 7 EU Member States Unite Efforts to protect public spaces through integrated smarter innovative security

The PRECRISIS Consortium

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